The Chair..

I think one of my all time favorite quotes has to be ” You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you…” Which couldn’t ring more true about the story I am about to tell you. I’ve had that someone. A person that stepped up to the…

Grandpa and Jax

Have you ever lost someone, but gained someone else in the same day? I did today. January 4th, 2016 at 1:24 P.M. I was falling asleep in our weekly Monday  meeting at work, when my phone vibrated. It was one of my best friends, Meghan. I opened the text to a picture with a caption ”…

It’s not THAT important to have a toilet..

Oh, wait a minute.. yes, yes it is. I’m sure all of you reading this blog know what it was like to be without a toilet at some point in your life. I in particular have a few instances I could name, such as when my husband talked me into going rustic camping this past…

Reclaimed Revival: 27 Years in the Making…

I’ve sat through many hours of therapy in my 27 years… My first time in the therapy chair, I was 11. My mom had just recently packed up her stuff and left to chase after some fairy tail dream man who lived in Illinois (A story in itself that shall be saved for another time)….

A Picture’s worth a thousand words….

September 12, 2015- I married my best friend. I haven’t always dated the good guy, or the guy who was willing to make sure I was taken care of, or the guy who even made it a priority to spend time with me. Truth is, like a lot of other women, I went through a heaping pile…