All About Me

Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by! My name is Heather Koehler, I’m 27 years old and I live in Michigan. I currently hold a position in sales at a tier 1 automotive supplier. I just married my best friend on September 12, 2015. Together we have 4 fur babies; An Australian Shepherd named Mara, a Golden Retriever named Maggie Mae, a calico cat named Hetta, and a fluffy white marshmallow cat named, Norman. He likes to be called Norm, he says it’s more sophisticated. These four-legged friends will be a huge part of my blog, along with my life at home, a little bit of fitness, my husband, adventures of getting a Master’s degree, and my business Reclaimed Revival.

You can contact me a few different ways! On here, on my business Facebook page, or one of the three other ways below!

Miss Hetta- Our First Adoptee
Mr. Norman-Who loves his Cheez its
Mr. and Mrs. Koehler ❤
Our Family

Thanks again for stopping by! Love-H

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